Location-driven engagement for every mobile banking app

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February 19, 2020


James Burdine


James Burdine, CMO, Larky – 415-952-7598, press@larky.com



Location-driven engagement for every mobile banking appNudge empowers financial institutions to connect with their audience at the right place and time using targeted geo-notifications.Fintech and geo-location marketing leader Larky is thrilled to announce the launch of the nudge® code library which bundles geo-location and engagement technology directly into mobile banking apps.Mobile banking app developers can easily bundle the nudge® geo-location and engagement technology into their offerings for financial institutions. The innovate nudge® code library empowers financial institutions to connect with their audience at the right place and time using targeted geo-notifications to promote products and services to account-holders at the time the consumer is making a purchase decision.The easy-to-use dashboard does not require any IT resources for setting up nudge® geo-targeted notifications at car dealerships, open houses, or to welcome account holders to an event. The ability for FI marketers to target the right offer to qualified account-holders at the right time is a game-changer. Geo-location alerts are the magic ingredient for the financial institutions on the cutting edge of digital marketing and tired of the old approach of relying on ad dollars spent on highway billboards.Gregg Hammerman, CEO of Larky, comments, "With our location-based platform, account-holders receive notifications from their mobile-banking app when they are near a specific location where there is a special offer or the financial institution wants to promote a specific product or service. This increases cross-selling opportunities for the FI and encourages local purchasing at the most convenient time for the user."The nudge® code library takes one developer one day to integrate into the mobile banking code base. The geo-location advertising and engagement functionality can then be rolled out to all of the financial institution clients of that developer. Larky has signed agreements with five mobile banking app developers and plans to complete additional deals in the next few months.Are you a financial institution ready to send targeted geo-notifications? Contact us today at nudge@larky.com or 415-952-7598.About LarkyLarky, an Ann Arbor, MI based company, builds fintech engagement and loyalty programs that help financial institutions, health insurers, universities, and media companies connect with their audience at the right time and place. Larky's nudge® code library and private label mobile engagement platform power relevant right time/right place communications. 

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