
How to improve account holder relationships

How to improve account holder relationships

With fewer account holders visiting branches regularly, financial institutions must focus on optimizing their digital channels for maximum engagement. Here's how.

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How contextual personalization creates successful customer engagement

How contextual personalization creates successful customer engagement

In a digital-first world where banking apps are now the norm, how do banks stand out to customers? How do credit unions keep their members happy with a highly personalized approach that treats them as individuals? Contextual personalization.

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Increase consumer engagement with third-party integrations

Increase consumer engagement with third-party integrations

Financial institutions can (and should) leverage existing technology to keep up with account holder demand. 

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How to use predictive financial service recommendations

How to use predictive financial service recommendations

Financial institutions today have easy access to programs that predict the financial needs of their account holders, but surprisingly few take advantage of these tools. Here's how to change that.

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Making the case for mobile push notifications for financial institutions

Making the case for mobile push notifications for financial institutions

Consumers now expect to have a mobile bank account that’s accessible from anywhere. Engage with them wherever they are through mobile push notifications.

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Three ways to improve account holder engagement

Three ways to improve account holder engagement

We've talked about the importance of encouraging data sharing. Now let's review how to use that data to improve account holder engagement.

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How credit unions can encourage data sharing with their members

How credit unions can encourage data sharing with their members

Divulging information about yourself is a big deal. For credit unions, here's how they can encourage data sharing and put that data to good use for their members.

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How financial institutions can choose the right digital banking technology

How financial institutions can choose the right digital banking technology

The accelerated pace of digital banking is forcing financial institutions of all shapes and sizes to rethink how they interact with account holders. But for some financial institutions, this shift can be a challenge.

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Michigan State University Federal Credit Union rolling out Larky nudge® to members

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union rolling out Larky nudge® to members

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union is getting ready to roll out the Larky nudge® platform to their members, which number more than 320,000!

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